

 I am so excited! I am heading out of town today for a Mentor Session with Kellee Smith! She is an AMAZING Wedding photographer. I LOVE her work and I can't wait to learn from her. I will let you know how it goes later! 

Have a great couple of days...And THANKS to my HUBBY for staying home with the kids. You guys will have tons of fun! 



Janae said...

I actually met Kellee at a wedding I was doing at the Bountiful Temple last weekend, and she was telling me about the mentoring sessions she is doing now. Sounds fun! You will have to let me know how it was!

Jessica Kettle said...

GIRL. I just saw your pictures on KELLEE"S blog! Holy shiz they look incredible! Way to go! alright, let's hear all about it. I want to know what you learned, what you talked about, allll that!